A Much Needed Take On Mental Health

Mehtab A A
3 min readJun 15, 2020

I’ve just finished watching a movie,“all the bright places”. Honestly the only reason I even decided on watching that movie is because I was feeling sad and wanted to watching a movie to cry and to feel moved.

I feel like I’ve just been floating through life. I go through phases when I experience multiple emotions at full force all at once for small periods of time and the rest of the time I feel neutral, almost no particular emotion.

Mental health is overlooked so much. In the movie I mentioned, the main character has suicidal thoughts but he goes about his day as usual. Other than just disappearing for long periods at time, he shows no other signs of any kind of suicidal behaviour. Just like that, in life too we never know what people are going through even though they look completely fine.

One thing I really can’t understand is the concept of “fixing someone” because it’s a messed up idea that someone has to fix you like you’re broken. You would’ve been hurt from events and people in life but, please understand that;


All the things that you go through might leave you making you feel like you’re broken. Understand that you will be completely fine. The hurt is only a bruise and will stay like that, if you let it. Pain and hurt can take away a piece of you, making you feel like you’re broken,only if you let it. Treat it like a bruise and it will stay just that; and it will heal. Bruises heal and so will you. It all starts from within because as much as friends and family help you, one thing you have to understand is that;


Feeling helpless, hopeless, unmotivated. It can all be temporary if you work REALLY hard on yourself and train your brain like a muscle. Slowly but surely you WILL get better, become happier, finding small joys in mundane everyday things.

As much as you feel like you cant possible go on;

there ARE BEAUTIFUL THINGS OUT THERE WORLD. You can chase happiness, experience the adrenaline rushes and start feeling content in life.

Mental illnesses can be treated through therapy and medication. If you really feel helpless, THE BEST ADVICE IS: SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP.

Obstacles are natural in life but once you get stronger mentally and you will realize;

LIFE IS TRULY BEAUTIFUL. The journey you have been through will have been DEFINITELY worth it.

Even the smallest kindness will bring you utmost joy and happiness.

Hang in there.


because as much as you feel like you don’t,

you really do matter.

Let’s chase life with all the enthusiasm we can muster up.

There’s beauty in solitude. As hard as the journey gets, you will find people along the way to aid you, in your path in life. Cherish them and all the memories you make with these friends and family. This my friend is the beauty of life.

This is a self note for me, as much as this piece is for you.

Yours truly,


DISCLAIMER: I’ m no professional. These are my raw thoughts. I truly hope this helped and motivated at least one person.

